Carlo Ginzburg’s ‘Ecstasies’ Deciphering The Witches Sabbath: Exploring the Academic Study of Witchcraft and Siberian Shamanism: Shared Spiritual Roots Across Eurasian Cultures?

Carlo Ginzburg and the Study of Microhistory Carlo Ginzburg is a famous Italian historian who focuses on microhistory, a field that examines small, detailed aspects of history to

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Wilhelm Mannhardt: A Pioneer in Folklore, Mythology and the academic study of European Pre-Christian Cosmologies

Wilhelm Mannhardt: A Pioneer in Folklore and Mythology Early Life and Academic Journey Wilhelm Mannhardt (1831–1880) was a groundbreaking German folklorist and mythologist who significantly shaped the study

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Hexenkunde Book Review: Sir James Frazer’s ‘The Golden Bough’

Introduction to Sir James George Frazer Sir James George Frazer, a Scottish anthropologist and folklorist (1854–1941), is often credited with being one of the founders of modern anthropology.

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Investigating the ancient Celtic Festival of Samhain and its historical context

The Hill of Ward is a sacred site in Irish Gaelic culture, and is associated with the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced SAH-win ), which marks the end

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